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Faculty of Education
To develop a clear, coherent and justified view of education.
To effectively practice and develop the knowledge of curricular content and educational theory.
To develop the ability to blend theory and practice in well-organized ways.
To develop the ability to thoughtfully and ethically use assessment and evaluation practices.
To develop a clear commitment to maintain ethical and functional working relationships with all members of the educational community.
To develop the ability to communicate openness and to create a caring, cohesive community of learners.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Faculty of Business Management Vision
To provide students with the required knowledge and the skills to succeed in the working environment of the Maldives.
To provide students with the opportunity to explore their full potential career growth
To educate the students who aspires to become entrepreneurs and business leaders, with the creation of a business incubation centre.
To inculcate acceptable workplace behavior and Islamic values.
To provide variety of academic programmes from diverse disciplines that meet and exceed the industry expectations, offered under flexible learning environment for students all over the Maldives.
To provide students with the opportunity to do research and bring out innovative ideas that benefit the community at large.
To retain and continuously develop faculty members of high-quality educational background and industry exposure.
Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law
Raising awareness of the Islamic, national, social, cultural and knowledge of Maldivian citizens, especially Muslims around the world.
Teaching various Islamic sciences with a focus on the sciences of the Holy Quran, Sunnah, Sharia, law, Islamic Studies, Islamic Education, Islamic History, Islamic Civilization and Islamic Philosophy.
Carrying out academic research in the field of the faculty's specialties and publishing it.
Providing various educational programmes for the preparation of teachers qualified educationally and professionally to work in the teaching of Islamic education in Lunars of public and private education.
Working to spread the Arabic Language throughout the country and encourage citizens to learn and teach.
Carrying out educational programmes in special areas (e.g., Qari training, Holy Quran and Tajweed, Training of Imams and Arabic language.)
Establish collaboration with national and interntaional higher education institutions in the areas of Islamic Studies and Law.
Faculty of Arts and Literature
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Center for Foundation Studies
Our Vision
Our aims are to prepare pre-university students for their undergraduate education by enhancing their English, math and computer skills, and personality development whilst at the same time teaching them the tools necessary for developing productive and efficient academic skills and study habits.
To prepare students for their higher education studies.
To give students the necessary tools for successfully confronting a wide range of academic subjects and programs: namely, English Language, Mathematics, Computing, Personality Development Skills.
To create an environment favorable for professional development.
Avid School of Aviation
PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY: Graduates will possess the requisite knowledge and skills necessary to make an immediate positive impact for their employer as well as act with the highest standards of professionalism evidenced by their ethical character and integrity.
REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: Graduates will be able to assess the role and impact of regulatory compliance in the conduct of global aviation practices.
TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE: Graduates will be able to apply the knowledge that sustained profitability in global aviation from the involvement of innovative and engaged people who develop optimal use of resources.
CRITICAL THINKING: Graduates will demonstrate the planning, decision making, workload management, and communication skills necessary to engage in effective critical thinking.
Centre for Research and Innovation
Improve the capacity of the Centre.
Improve the quality of research resources such as the e-library or databases and software necessary for research.
Improve the quality of the research conducted at the College and contribute to the body of knowledge.
Provide training and development for all staff by developing innovative research programs.
Develop relationships with potential collaborators to learn about their research needs.
Increase networking opportunities with other professionals through written publications and presentations at conferences and workshops.
Create engaged, focused, resilient, confident, creative and responsible graduands.